AP Police is designed for helping the people quickly in case of any incidents.It Consists of different modules like Police Stations Near Me: This will allow you to check all the police stations nearer to you.
Women Saftey: This will be very helpful for all the women for reporting the live issues happening to them like Eve Teasing, Kidnap, Ragging etc.;
Road Accidents: Here public can report the accident by capturing the image or by voice record or through video.
Public Police Partnership: Public can share the information if they have seen any incidents like theft,some accident etc.;
Live chat: Public can chat directly with the police people if they had any issues or if they wanted to know about any information or if any seek for a help..
Krishna Pushkarams: Information of some main Categories, which people search for when they went to outside is provided in detail.Categories like Police Stations, Hospitals, Pushkar Ghats, Information Centers, APSRTC Buses, Trains, Pushkar Nagar, Restaurants, Temples..
This is under Development